BBQ Trout with Blackcurrant Dressing

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Makes: 2 servings



Two trout fillets
1 celeriac
1 tsp grainy mustard
1 tbsp mayonnaise
Lemon juice
100g blackcurrants
, fresh or frozen One tbsp sugar




The trout is best cooked on a skillet over a fire pit, but you can cook it on the BBQ too. 

For the fire pit, put a dash of oil into your skillet, heat and then place your trout fillets in the pan, skin side down. Leave to cook skin down for 5-10 minutes until the trout is cooked all the way through; this will give you some lovely crispy skin.

Remove the trout and sprinkle with salt. Leave to rest while you continue with the recipe.

For the celeriac, cut five thin slices off the celeriac, slice into fine sticks, place in a bowl, and mix with chopped parsley, a generous tablespoon of mayonnaise, grainy mustard and a good squeeze of lemon, adding pepper to taste.

Put the blackcurrants, water and sugar into a blender and whizz until smooth, then sieve into a bowl.

To serve, put the watercress on a board, followed by the celeriac, then flake over the trout and dot over the dressing.

Blackcurrants in this recipe have been kindly provided by British Frozen Fruits.